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A. O. Smith University, in collaboration with Noland, Winsupply and Winnelson, is offering a $50 gift card with the successful passing completion of the Residential Certification!

Residential Certification

Course Information And Materials

Our Residential Certification covers installation, troubleshooting, and repair of our common residential products.

  • Implement the best practices for installing residential water heaters for trouble-free service and long life.
  • Quickly diagnose and repair the most common issues related to residential water heaters.
  • Reduce customer callbacks and complaints with more accurate diagnostics.
1. History Of A. O. Smith

2. Standard Electric Water Heaters

3. Standard Gas Water Heaters

4. Electric Heat Pump Water Heaters
5. High Efficiency Condensing Water Heaters

6. Condensing and Non-Condensing Tankless Water Heaters

7. Value Proposition
8. Certification Test