A. O. Smith Factory Certified Contractor Program
A. O. Smith’s Factory Certification program recognizes you, our nationwide highly-trained network of contractors. Providing additional training, rewards and sales leads because of our partnership and loyalty to each other. By becoming an A. O. Smith Factory Certified Contractor, we’ll be able to acknowledge the superior work you do and help showcase that expertise to potential customers. Leading to increased sales leads to increase your business’s success.
Course Information and Materials
Get Certified Today
This comprehensive video course includes video modules that we recommend watching in order. At the end of this course, there is an online certification test. Upon passing with a 80% on the test, you will be able to download your Certificate in PDF form.
General Info
Overview: What Variables Affect A Water Heater's Life (12 minutes)
Tools of the Trade (20 minutes)
Water Conditions (10 minutes)
Thermal Expansion (9 minutes)
Proper Venting (1 hour)
Installation Tips (14 minutes)
Annual Water Heater Maintenance Checklist (2 minutes)
Standard Products
Standard Electric Water Heaters (22 minutes)
Energy Saver Water Heaters (13 minutes)
Electric Heat Pump Water Heaters (12 minutes)
Standard Gas Water Heaters (30 minutes)
Atmospheric Direct Vent Water Heaters (21 minutes)
High Efficiency Products
Power Vent Water Heaters (37 minutes)
Power Direct Vent Water Heaters (28 minutes)
High Efficiency Condensing Water Heaters (26 minutes)
Condensing and Non-Condensing Tankless Water Heaters (1 hour 16 minutes)
Premium Condensing Tankless
X3 Technology
How it Works
Features and Benefits
Application and Installation
Installing the Cartridge
Heat Pump
How it Works
Features and Benefits
Application and installation
Refrigeration Cycle
Converting Gas to Electric
Condensate Pump Installation
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Certification Test