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Can’t make it to our training facility for our hands-on training? This online workshop covers the same material as our industry-leading tankless class, and includes product selection and application, installation, troubleshooting, and a full product teardown.

Get Your Certificate Today

This comprehensive online workshop includes video modules that we recommend watching in order. At the end of this course, there is an online certification test. Upon passing with a 70% on the test, you will be able to download your certificate in PDF form.

Condensing Tankless with X3® Technology Certfication

Get certified by watching the video and taking the certification test below.
(Jump to video)

Tankless Family Overview with Features and Benefits (12 minutes)


Installation and Installation-Related Troubleshooting (1 hour and 6 minutes)

Troubleshooting No Hot Water (6 minutes)

Troubleshooting Error Code 031 (3 minutes)

Troubleshooting Error Code 111 and 121 (13 minutes)

Troubleshooting Error Code 391 (4 minutes)

Troubleshooting Error Code 441 (5 minutes)

Troubleshooting Error Code 711 (3 minutes)

Troubleshooting Error Code 991 and 101 (7 minutes)

Condensing Tankless Teardown (16 minutes)

MC02 Multi-Unit Controller (9 minutes)


Condensing Ultra-Low NOx
Tankless Water Heater with X3® Technology – Addendum

Tankless X3 Addendum